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Wet Carbon fiber vs. Dry Carbon Fiber

Wet Carbon fiber vs. Dry Carbon Fiber


If you’re a car fan, you’ve definitely seen this material everywhere from accents to interior features. Outside of cars, carbon fiber is commonly seen in bicycle helmets and pocket knives as well.

Now, because carbon fiber is so common in cars these days custom hoods for cars, it’s important for any detailer to know the difference between the two kinds of carbon fiber,car front bumper lip their various properties,

and how to properly maintain lip for a car.  we’ll break down what makes wet carbon fiber wet, what makes dry carbon fiber dry, how they match up, and how to maintain them. Let’s get into it.

Wet Carbon Fiber

we suggested that wet carbon fiber gets its name from its glossy, “wet” appearance. In fact, the “wet”refers to its manufacturing process, by which the carbon fiber is coated in liquid resin before

being vacuum-sealed to cure.

Dry Carbon Fiber

Dry carbon fiber’s name also comes from its manufacturing process custom bumpers for cars. During manufacture custom dashboard, dry carbon fiber has its resin pre-preg that is, resin is built into the fiber. Since no resin is being directly applied,

the fiber is “dry”.The pre-preg fiber is placed in an autoclave to cure at high pressure and heat, which removes impurities and strengthens the material.

Because the resin is baked in rather than applied on top, the fiber generally comes out looking flat rather than glossy.

Comparing The Two

Now that we’ve broken down the definitions of wet and dry carbon fiber, let’s see how they match up in different categories.



Wet: Less expensive – production requires less costly equipment

Dry: More expensive – prepreg fiber costs more to produce, and the need for an autoclave also ramps up costs



Wet: Weaker – the wet process has a greater potential for air bubbles and wavy  fiber weaves, which reduces the strength

Dry: Stronger – the autoclave process eliminates air bubbles and other impurities, strengthening it significantly


Wet: Heavier – applying resin rather than pre-preg it results in a greater weight

Dry: Lighter – pre-preg fiber weighs up to 50% less


Wet: Lower – it’s less strong, heavier

Dry: Higher – it’s much stronger and much lighter


Wet: Requires proper maintenance to keep its appearance

Dry: Requires proper maintenance to keep its appearance

Now you should know how to choose the two materials.

If your clients are aftermarket industry, who pursuit the outlooking, they can choose wet carbon more economy

If your clients are OE standards who pursuit the strength and super light performance parts, they can choose dry carbon

Any material you choose from jcsportline which will do not let you down!

In the next video, I will do the live full body kit processing for the two kinds of material used in the final production. You will have a better understanding of our exploration.

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